It's funny how much your esteem can be affected by a girl (or by a guy if your a girl.) I honestly begin to wonder if things will ever turn out in my favor when it comes to love. I've spent quite a bit of my break trying to get back with this girl I like but so far it has only gotten my collarbone hurt, my face kicked once and hit twice, and my other injured shoulder hurt even more. This hasn't come from and jealous BF or her family, but from her, "playfulness." It's not the injuries that bother me, it's the more of the unrequited love bit. At one moment she acts like she wants me to be around and then the next it seems like every move I make pisses her off completely. It's she likes me for only my most useful points. And as it turns out I am quite good at giving massages, so she wants me to give them for her, but if I attempt to get close to her in any other way she just turns frigged like the arctic circle.
What do you think NG am I just a Romantic fool or just smitten punching bag?