The last one.... kind of sucked......
So I'm trying to get a solid handle on some new projects. The only problem is I feel like I'm drowning, I need something to focus me in a direction, like a goal. Too bad, for some reason, I cannot settle on one. My only goal at the moment is trying to get a job o.0... gotta pay the bills some how.
Thanks to my bro, I have started playing Dungeons and Dragons Online, sadly the more I play it, the more it seems to twist a knife in the wound that is the mockery that it is. It claims to be D&D, but let me tell you, it's not. eh I'm sure I'll get over it, or quit playing.
On that note, I have been more inclined for table tops over MMOs, I always liked using the imagination and real life DMs are much less predictable, well save a few....
I have an idea for my next few sets of projects, bit it might be a challenge to get the people together to do them.
What I'm thinking is collaborative efforts by users, but on a smaller scale than a flash collab.
it's pretty basic, 2 people work in teams to create a piece of art where they share equal credit.
it might be fun...
we'll see right?....
Collabs can be messy business, but im sure you already know that.
Good luck anyway mate.
the biggest flaw with getting collabs to work is the problem of getting many people to work together with out being physically right beside each other.
so with just 2 people there shouldn't be as much of a hassle..... hopefully :P