I, have found being in love, is, to say the least, very difficult. Especially when the love seems to be unrequited.
Matters of the heart tend to be impossible it seems. More so when you get to be by them all the time. I would say that perhaps if i lacked her company, i might be able to break my tender organ's vice like grip on my senses and perhaps i could find the will power to move on. But it seems to be a love that i ccannot shake nore would i want to.
In short, love is the most painful hell that anyone can expearience. But why do you hurt so good love.
Been there several times. The trick is not to think about it. Just ignore the feeling and focus on being productive.
Ahh to make the mind to halt its processes. That would be a bit of comfort. One I'd welcome. But then I realize that I do care very deeply for her and thinking of her and playing that broken record in my head that is the epitome of insanity seems to make me happy for a fleeting moment.