What? Why?!
I mean really Do you just need a even 40 reviews or something? I mean you got a front page, what could you possibly want from my input? Oh yeah... One liners... Never mind then. Ahh well.... continuing on...
Lets start with what is catching my eye first, the Fire leaking out from the edges of the armor.
I think you were trying to keep this at a minimal, or you were scared at how it would have come out in the end. I think you should have gone a little more wild with this. Make this a guy a Hell Knight with fire blazing out from everywhere. But personal taste aside. Looking at the small cinders a little I realize that, although they seem to glow themselves, they are are not casting any glow on anything else. I think you could have gotten some interesting lighting with having that bounce ff that lavender armor.
(Yeah I'm going to stretch out my vocabulary a tad :P)
Speaking of lighting I Do like what you have done so far. But I think on a couple of areas you should push them to be a bit stronger like on the gauntlet and blade. Go ahead and get them close to white so it has a real feel of shining.
I think you missed a part on the hilt of the blade by the way... .wait.... I'm an idiot.... *Face palm* I just noticed that what I was assuming to be your light source, the moon in the background, isn't your light source. FOR SHAME FIFTY!!!!!! This means I have to call in your entire lighting! >:(
Although if you go ahead and do some epic back lighting with this thing, damn that could come out really cool. It would also give this thing the a real evil look as well. So I say go for it.
So yeah fix that lighting..... also your moon isn't round. it starts to flatten out on the left side as it starts to go off the composition. And since I'm still sort of on the lighting kick, get that edge of the moon to be really strong white. Give it the sense of being the powerful light source that it is.
A couple of other things, The neck of the breastplate is curved when it shouldn't be sense the armor is rigid and usually doesn't twist like that. You should also emphasis the size of his mount. Make it bigger! it seems that as it is, the knight would crush the poor thing.
anyway.... Nice, I do like it. :D