I Like What You Have Going Here
the pattern of the edge of the blade, which makes up the blade itself. It gives the feel of a crude and rough weapon. Something that I would think Piconjo would use.
Although I like the model over all I was hoping that that roughness from the blade would carry a little farther in to the rest of the weapon.
I see you have bolts and screws, adding more to the style, and a mold forge style of hand guard all adding to the style of this which I like.
Also be careful of that second screw from the right, it's sunk in too far and the blade is starting to cover it.
The Practicality of this weapon is both good and bad. Although it looks like a heavy weapon, it also looks short. but those two thing do not bother me. What does is the hand guard.
I see these hand guards more commonly now due to the popularity of the Kingdom Hearts games. The down side is that the guards are some of the worst weapon design flaws I have seen, and in this day and age that is saying a lot.
With a guard like this forces one to hold the sword awkwardly and not naturally, increasing the risk of personal injury by simply using the blade. Also attacks with such a guard become clumsy and poorly aimed.
So please redesign the hilt. I know it might be in style, and it might look cool, but if you wanna give your animation a better appeal, change it up.