So You Now Have A Tablet....
This is good, not only for you, but for your art as well.
But before I get deep in to the critique, I want to make a mention of one large thing that is bugging the HELL out of me: The Size!
This is so Small! Your cutting your self so thin, you should try and atleast triple this canvas. I know that not everyone's computer can handle the creation of such massive pieces, but I think you could really go over the top with some more canvas room.
ok, not that my rant has ended, on the the critique.
it's obvious that the tablet is making a difference. I'm not going to say you couldn't get these effects with a mouse, but that little plastic pen makes things a hell of a lot better, doesn't it?
The head and tail I'm liking, they are smooth and somewhat lustrous. The tail seems to have a much higher sheen though, but this is just me nitpicking.
I really don't want to call it fur over his body since they seem more like spines or quills from a porcupine. With these little spikes, I like the way you did them on the legs more than I do on the back of the creature. Perhaps you can redo the ones on the body to match more. and I'm not sure what is going on with those side spikes, but I'm not really feeling those either.I think you can get a better effect with out them.
Moving to the eyes. I like the multiple eyes on the head, I think they five them character, but I think you should have pushed those highlights a bit further. Get them to reflecting that light, really push to that edge. Also with the highlights, you seem to have a dual light source, I see this from the double highlights on the tail and on the head, I think you should tap the opposite side of those eyeballs with a small but really strong highlight.
Continuing with the head, I want to bring up the Maw. It's mouth could be a little more, oh what is that word, oh yes; Badass! I think you should just start filling that baby with teeth, and get the frontal ones shining to the point they look dangerous and deadly, give it a real gnarled appeal and really give this guy a place in children nightmares.
I know it seems I bitched about a lot, but I do think this is one of your better pieces. I think you have done an excellent job and that this new tablet will really help you progress your art. I am going to enjoy watching you begin to master your tools and watch you progress as an artist. Perhaps I too should get my tablet out and begin using it more often.