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What The Hell!?!

What is that thing....... kind of looks like that alien from The Last Starfighter....
weird.... what was his name again?

Zanroth responds:

Went for a mix between alien, super robot and squid themes.

This Is A Change Of Pace

I haven't reviewed many like this for a while.

Alright, here goes.

Starting with some of the flaws of this, which aren't man, I want to point some sort of Fuzziness to this. In the high mode it feels a little fuzzy, I'm not sure if this is due to Jpeg Artifacting, A filter placed over this if done digitally, or if this was an actual painting if perhaps the camera quality and/or the texture of the surface is getting in the way. Either way there seems to be a slight pixelization over the final. I don't want to be too hard on this since it is basically elements usually beyond the control of you the artist. But I do feel in need mention.

From here I want to say that the some of the metal surfaces on this could use a push in both directions. Doing such will give more of a shiny metallic feel.
And on a similar note, I think you could have used some stronger shadows around various parts of the body, like under the collar and tie.

And continuing my segway Lets talk about the secondary light put off by the flames of the head. I being that close you would have had some color bounce on to the suit and on to the chain as well as the other places. You started this on the bones in a couple other places but didn't get much further. You got some of the secondary bounce lighting in there, but just not the transfer of orange color.

Although the lighting color is an issue, you have done well with the colors of the rest of the piece. I'm starting to get in to the good things of this if you can't tell.
I like what you have done with the colors. and I especially enjoy what you have done with the flames. I think you have done a good job coloring them. The white on the bones is nice as well, and you have a good neutral gray for the metal.
You have also done a nice job with the blending. you have some of the orange and black mixing very well and giving the orange a "glow."

As already mentioned you have done a nice job with the lighting. You have some solid bounce light as well as the secondary lighting .

The over all composition is nice. I noticed that it is not exact center, but it is centered enough to really draw in the attention of the viewer. This shows good use of posing and lighting.

The structure, although simplified, is sound and works well with the piece, and the level of detail is pretty consistent over all.

Nice work.
Perhaps you could elaborate on what medium this is, cause I wanna say that is is painting.

Merol responds:

It was actually the most helpfull review i've got in a while.

I made it with pastel. It looks a little fuzzy because of the cellphone camera AND the surface :(

Great Over All...

But you have one major problem that hurts this a lot, and it is the size. I don't want to be too harsh over this because I know we have discussed this before. If you could get a much larger render up it would add some major kudos. I mean, what good is putting in all that hard work you have, if no one can see it.
Your using Max, right? if so try using the Print Size Wizard: Render > Print Size Wizard. and then select the 600 DPI in the dialog box that pops up. Your computer will probably throw a fit, but it will be worth it for the extra large image.

Moving from that you have a majority monocolor piece with one piece of what I will call gold in the center, I think this works well on the level of composition. It really draws your eye in to the center of the piece.
It seems a little heavy on the right when it comes to balance, and that is mostly because of that one huge piece.

It's looking like a main dual light source with a couple omnis placed about. but I think the lighting works for the situation.

Over all, it's good. Just that size man....

VidGameDude responds:

Ok look, i stopped reading right at the size part of the first paragraph.

This thing cannot be posted past 4 million pixels. newgrounds wont allow any bigger size.

did you even click it?

alright let me tell you this, i used no lights...i never intended for it to be balance, or symmetrical or what not.
i threw all this together out of boredom and laziness.
I cannot use lights since no one will teach me.

btw did you even check the other one i submitted?


Very Nice

What is this, Water Color? it sure looks like it. I did a piece a few weeks ago in water color, but nothing compared to this level.

As I noticed with another users art last night (Or rather very early this morning,) this has a strong impressionist feel to it. I like this is the fact that although some of these are blobs of color, you have manipulated them to the point that they actually have a simplistic form that truly makes this piece. You really know this medium. I can see you even used a pen in appropriate places to add that hard edge when needed. This piece shows some serious skill indeed. This is something I would easily hang on my wall.

Your composition is nice and you have done a swell job at balancing this. The style is simple and effective.

One problem though, I am noticing some blurring in some areas. I'm going to say that you used a camera to take this, am I right. I understand that not all of us have scanners big enough to support what mediums we work in. (Mine is only a 9''x14'' so I can understand.) It's just a shame that some of these areas are a little blurred. Try this Documenting your work Tutotial by out own Art101: http://art101.newgrounds.com/news/post/314936
Hopefully you can crisper images as well as a bigger high resolution image.

I see you put a couple of other pieces in the portal that are a similar style. It will be enjoyable to look through them all and perhaps review a few more.

ManBean responds:

Thank you for such and detailed Critique. I can't tahnk you enough for all your kind words. To address the blur question It was something with the Scanner. Because it is water color the paper is warped making it a bit farther form the scanning surface. Thanks again man.

Better Late Than Never

Lets start off by saying that I like the soft shading you got going on here. Gives the chameleons a very smooth look. The background remains very consistent with the characters as well. This is also a plus. The scene has good balance and it is a pretty good composition over all.

One thing that dose kind of hurt is the speech balloons. They seem to be low quality and pixilated compared to the rest of the picture. I'm not sure what happened to cause that, but it does kind of throw you off in the high resolution.

Is that?... am I seeing a stock brush? Yes, I think I am. Did you use a stock brush to texture those leaves in the background off to the right? And is that a stock grass brush? Tisk, Tisk, for shame.... But I guess I can't say much, I have been guilty of this myself in the past when I'm in a hurry or just being lazy.
Ah Well, guess its not too big of a deal this time....

Still a decent piece. Nice job, even if it is 3 days late....

Luwano responds:

Yeah, I don't know what the hell happened to the speech bubbles. I tried to smoothen them manually, blur them, smudge them, resize them and it would just not go away or it became toooooo blurry and undefined.

Didn't know a preset brush was something the be ashamed of. It's not like photoshops grass brush, which drop different items automatically, but just a regular brush with a different form, or not? :P

At first I chose it accidentally, but then I liked how the plant looked kinda different and decided to go with it. But thanks for pointing that out, I'll keep it in mind.

And the actual grass is hand-drawn btw. I don't have photoshop and therefore I I also don't have the infamous grass brush.

Thank you for the review!

You Know....

I need to learn how to customize like this. I have plenty of stuff I would enjoy giving some personal touch to.
I know how to paint, but I think my biggest problem is sealing it once I'm done. What kind of glaze do you finish with, and what technique do you use. Got any pointers or tutorials you can slide my way?

Ricepuppet responds:

There's a lot of tutorials on the net, but fixing it the proper style is a unique process. It takes a lot of practice - i started with smaller, cheaper things to experiment on -

Its just a regular coating b.t.w.

Good Start

The style is ok, could use some refining.
It's also good that you did some action poses as well.

One big problem I am seeing is that your turn-around at the top is off. You need to get everything to line up. The body gets bigger the more you go to the right. The Height lines make it a tad obvious.
The feet need to be on the same ground level. it feels like you drew these separately with out the height lines and then just put them together.
Sadly those flaws really hurt this piece since a character sheet isn't much about the art its self as it is about a visual guide to the character

Shotgunmadmax responds:

Very awesome review thank you for the help. I actually thought while i was drawing that the bomb boy on the right was too small so I made him a bit bigger. I couldnt agree more with the visual aid, I was more focused on making the character look good in the picture. So thank you for your review helps me a lot for my next character sheet.


I like the continuous flow of this unique piece. Great way to make use on simple movement animation to bring some appeal to the piece.

I noticed your wips and I could have guessed this was what was coming.

Great job, great execution .

Nicol3 responds:


Poor Kermit

He has really let him self go over the years.
Once learning he is nothing but someon's puppet, ans shown in Nicol3;s Entry: http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/nicol3/kermitten. Kermit grew a deep seeded hatred for Jim Henson. He loathed the daily molsetation of Jim shoving his cold hand up his rectum, but after time, Kermit grew dependent on Jim's hand. After the Passing of the Puppet master, Kermit started drinking hard pond water, followed by late night binges of flys behind the local Taco Hell fast food restaurant. His sadness and sorrow soon began to affect his friends and loved one. He pushed Ms. Piggy in to prostitution to pay for his fluff habit, after being indited for imperilment of the muppet show's funds. Times grew even worse for the little green frog. Years of run-ins with the law finally led to the robbing of aa liquor store leaving 3 dead in the wake of Kermit's rampage.
After the Porky pig and Ms.Piggy affair, Kermit couldn't take it any longer and the final result was portrayed in SoConfused's Picture: http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/soconfused/it-aint-easy-being-green

Toast-Tony responds:


Fluff Splatter

I'm sure Jim Henson would have been proud.
It would have been cool to see some more of the fluff splattering.
The pot of gold seems like it was skewed a little and now seems very flat. Also I think you should have had a highlight on the body of Kermit. It would have given it a real pop factor.

over all you have done very well with the detail. The gun to the fluff. Nice job.

SoConfused responds:

Thanks, I was originally thinking of having numbers and letters fly out of his head along with the fluff due to the nature of the TV show, but I forgot about that idea. As for the pot of gold being flat, it was more of an after-thought. I only added it because I finished the picture and went "you know what should be at the end of that death rainbow? Suicide gold!

Thanks for the review.

If you think you have what it takes, then come at me. I'll enjoy this.

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