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Ok you want a review eh? Alright You got the Review whore at your service.
Lets start with some troubling issues.

The hands hold one of the largest flaws in this entire thing. hey could really use a overhaul Her right thumb isn't bad, but the gingers really don't have any depth. The left hand is generally alright, but its having problems showing how the palm of the hand somewhat wraps around the hip.
Hands are tricky though, You can study and practice them for years and still not get them right. So just keep observing them and practicing them.

The hips, with this pose, shouldn't be that even. Her right hip should be elevated a little more to keep the proportions a little more accurate. With them at the same horizontal level it makes her left leg seem all the more longer than it should be.
This flaw is pretty minor, and most viewers wouldn't really notice it, but they would still feel like something was off.

Moving back up the body here, the breast, her left one is wildly flat. You shouldn't lead the line of the breast directly in to the shoulder like that, even if they are remarkably small. You should have curved it up and left a little of the back showing to lead up under the arm. This would have also left you some areas to play with some deep shadows and some better highlights on the breast.

I'm not going to dig in to the head too much considering you have already acknowledged it was large. Intentional as it may be, it could use a slight shrinkage. Something to keep for future reference.

I need to bring up this, your signature. I understand you want people to know this is your work, that is fine, I have no qualms over that, but don't put it over your character.You can make your sig as big as you want, bigger than your character even, I don't care, but don't cover any of your subject with it.

Now some good things. The coloring is good, I like that part. The lighting is nice too. I personally feel you could have been a little stronger on some shadows and highlights, but this does just fine.

The costume design and overall character design are appealing and effective.

Other than a few small flaws, this piece is alright.

DragonPunch responds:

Thanks for your feedback, and I'll definitely keep these things in mind. :) About the sig, that was for theft protection purposes. If anybody should try and steal my work, I know which piece it is and I know who to go after/


This is an awesomely terrifying piece. Great job man. Really.
the level of detail is just superb. Especially around the dragon's mask

I also love the texture.

ZaneZansorrow responds:

Thanks kin and ah sei, alot of effort was put on the design on the dragon's face ;D

I have really Got to quit Procrastinating

Another massive dragon. Wow.

I have honestly got to sstart doing better time management.

Awesome detail on the dragon, but one thing I really love is your mountains. Those are really impressive. Hell the whole damn thing is pretty fucking sweet.

Ramatsu responds:

hey, thanx and yeah procrastinating can be a problem, but sometimes it does help oddly enough.


Very impressive Qb.
I love how you get the feeling of the shear size of the beast.

J-qb responds:



Very impressive.
Excellent use of acrylics, honestly.

I really like the way you have the tentacles fading as they get farther from the door. It really adds to the feel if insanity that oozes from the Lovecraft Lore.

JMDeSantis responds:

Sorry I didn't respond sooner. I actually have neglected my Newgrounds account for far too long (especially considering my art seems to be getting even more attention here than on deviantART).

Thank you. I really tried to capture the mood of Lovecraft's stories in this, right down to not having the whole, mind-breaking horror revealed to the viewer.


Looks delicious!

The presentation of this dish looks great. A nice large photo to see all the detail too.

How much does something like this cost to order?

Ironchefgriffin responds:

That's a pretty hard question to answer, as this would likely be a part of a large tasting menu. Probably something like 15 courses for $180, so it'd be around $12 a plate.

On The Twelfth Day Of Christmas

I got a nice piece of art!

Wow, such an awesomely whimsical styled piece. Looks like a page right out of a children's book.
Very good job Zane.

ZaneZansorrow responds:

Yeah, I'm really proud on how the colors turned up to be :{D

On The Seventh Day Of Christmas

I got a nice piece of art!

Now this is trippy. I love it. the fact of it being animated just helps it greatly.

Merol responds:

It would look even crappier if it wasn't animated :(

On The Sixth Day Of Christmas

I got a nice piece of art!

Kind of weird, but I can dig it...

MiddleFingerRings responds:

I will dig you.

If you think you have what it takes, then come at me. I'll enjoy this.

Age 36, Male

Graphic Artist

Art Institite of Phoenix


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